MOT’s Board is made up of people who know and understand the needs of our youth.  Their guidance provides MOT with the direction and vision to continually grow and evolve the program’s success.  Here are some of the characteristics that make them distinctive:

Long-Term Experience: Our board members have combined total experience that is second to none.

Industry Designations: Not only have our leaders earned industry designations Rev and Dr., several of them have held significant positions in the public and private sector.

Commitment to Youth: Everyone on the board has a vested interest in motivating success in our youth and their futures.  For these individuals, such interest is a personal commitment.


William I. Jenkins,  Co-Founder & President

Cassandra Jenkins, Founder & Director Emeritus

Willie Mae Hill, Treasurer

Vince Butler

George Farrington

Charles Reynolds

Kelby A. Spann

Charles N. Clevert III

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